'familia Hexagrammidae'是拉丁语,翻译为“六线鱼科”。这是一个包含20个属、约40种鱼类的科,主要分布在北太平洋的温带和寒带海域,包括日本、韩国、俄罗斯和美国的海域。六线鱼科鱼类通常是中等大小的食肉鱼,身体侧扁,有六条明显的侧线,故得名。它们生活在海洋底层,以小型无脊椎动物和小鱼为食,是重要的渔业资源之一。
1. I caught a beautiful Hexagrammidae fish while fishing in Hokkaido. (我在北海道钓鱼时捕到了一条美丽的六线鱼科鱼类。)
2. Hexagrammidae is a popular target for recreational fishing in the Pacific Northwest. (在太平洋西北地区,六线鱼科是一个受欢迎的休闲垂钓目标。)
3. The Hexagrammidae species have a high economic value and are harvested for commercial purposes. (六线鱼科鱼类具有很高的经济价值,被用于商业捕捞。)
4. The Hexagrammidae family is closely related to other rockfish species. (六线鱼科与其他岩鱼属物种密切相关。)
5. Hexagrammidae fish are known for their delicate and flavorful flesh. (六线鱼科鱼类以其细腻的肉质和美味而闻名。)
6. The Hexagrammidae family includes some of the largest and longest-lived rockfish species. (六线鱼科家族包括一些最大和寿命最长的岩鱼物种。)
7. Hexagrammidae fish are typically found in rocky reef habitats. (六线鱼科鱼类通常分布在岩礁栖息地。)
8. The Hexagrammidae family is one of the most diverse groups of fish found in the North Pacific Ocean. (六线鱼科家族是北太平洋发现的最多样化的鱼类群之一。)
9. Hexagrammidae fish are important prey for many larger predatory fish, such as halibut and lingcod. (六线鱼科鱼类是许多更大的掠食性鱼类,如大比目鱼和银口鱼的重要猎物。)