pullman是什么意思 pullman的读音、翻译、用法

pullman是什么意思 pullman的读音、翻译、用法

“pullman”不是一种语言,而是一个英语单词,常被翻译为“普尔曼”。这个单词起源于19世纪美国的一位制造商George M. Pullman,他发明了一种豪华火车车厢,后来这种车厢被称作“pullman”。


1. The Pullman carriage was luxurious and comfortable.(普尔曼车厢豪华舒适。)

2. We traveled across the country in a Pullman coach.(我们乘坐普尔曼客车横跨美国。)

3. The Pullman train had a dining car with silver cutlery.(普尔曼列车有一节配备有银餐具的餐车。)

4. The Pullman company was known for its high standards of service.(普尔曼公司以其高水准的服务而闻名。)

5. He enjoyed the luxury of a Pullman sleeper car.(他享受着普尔曼卧铺车的豪华。)

6. The Pullman porter assisted passengers with their luggage.(普尔曼车厢服务员帮助乘客搬运行李。)

7. The Pullman train was the epitome of luxury travel.(普尔曼列车是旅行奢华的典范。)

8. They rode in style in the Pullman coach.(他们乘坐普尔曼客车时以风格著称。)

9. The Pullman train was a symbol of modern transportation.(普尔曼列车是现代交通的象征。)

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