1. Tyrannosaurus is one of the most easily recognized dinosaurs.(暴龙是最容易被认出的恐龙之一。)
2. The tyrannosaurus had incredibly powerful jaws.(暴龙有极强大的下颌力量。)
3. The fossils of a young tyrannosaurus were recently discovered in Montana.(不久前,在蒙大拿州发现了一只幼年暴龙化石。)
4. The tyrannosaurus is believed to have been an apex predator.(人们相信暴龙曾经是顶级捕食者。)
5. The tyrannosaurus had small arms in comparison to its massive body.(和身体庞大相比,暴龙的前肢很短小。)
6. The tyrannosaurus is often depicted in popular culture as a ferocious monster.(暴龙常常被描绘成凶猛的怪兽。)
7. A complete skeleton of a tyrannosaurus was sold for millions of dollars at an auction.(一整副暴龙骨架在拍卖会上以数百万美元的价格售出。)
8. The tyrannosaurus is classified as a meat-eating theropod dinosaur.(暴龙被归类为食肉的兽脚类恐龙。)
9. The tyrannosaurus is believed to have lived alongside other dinosaurs such as triceratops and ankylosaurus.(人们相信暴龙曾经与三角龙和甲龙等其他恐龙一同生活过。)