eriodendron pentandrum是什么意思 eriodendron pentandrum的读音、翻译、用法

eriodendron pentandrum是什么意思 eriodendron pentandrum的读音、翻译、用法


以下是含有“eriodendron pentandrum”词语的9个例句(均使用英语,因为该植物常被称为“Eriodendron”):

1. Eriodendron pentandrum is native to the Americas, from Mexico to Brazil.(Eriodendron pentandrum原产于美洲,从墨西哥到巴西。)

2. The flowers of Eriodendron pentandrum are pollinated by bats and bees.(Eriodendron pentandrum的花朵由蝙蝠和蜜蜂授粉。)

3. Eriodendron pentandrum is often used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.(Eriodendron pentandrum常被用于传统医学中治疗各种疾病。)

4. The seeds of Eriodendron pentandrum are commonly used to make oil for cooking and cosmetics.(Eriodendron pentandrum的种子常被用来制作烹饪和化妆品用的油。)

5. Eriodendron pentandrum is a popular ornamental plant in many tropical regions.(Eriodendron pentandrum是许多热带地区常见的观赏植物。)

6. The leaves of Eriodendron pentandrum are large and heart-shaped.(Eriodendron pentandrum的叶子很大,呈心形。)

7. Eriodendron pentandrum is a member of the mallow family.(Eriodendron pentandrum属于锦葵科。)

8. The bark of Eriodendron pentandrum contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties.(Eriodendron pentandrum的树皮含有具有抗炎特性的化合物。)

9. Eriodendron pentandrum is also known as the “kapok tree” because of its fluffy seed pods that are filled with a cotton-like material used for insulation and stuffing.(Eriodendron pentandrum也被称为“木棉树”,因为其有毛绒绒的种荚,里面充满了一种类似棉花的材料,可用于隔热和填充。)

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