regonafenib是什么意思 regonafenib的读音、翻译、用法

regonafenib是什么意思 regonafenib的读音、翻译、用法




1. Regonafenib is a medication used for the treatment of liver or colorectal cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.(雷唑沙星是一种用于治疗已经扩散到其他部位的肝癌或结直肠癌的药物。)

2. The patient's oncologist prescribed regonafenib after chemotherapy failed to control the cancer.(患者的肿瘤科医生在化疗无法控制癌症后开了雷唑沙星。)

3. The side effects of regonafenib can include fatigue, diarrhea, and hand-foot syndrome.(雷唑沙星的副作用可能包括疲劳、腹泻和手足综合征。)

4. It is important to follow the dosing instructions for regonafenib closely to ensure its effectiveness.(密切遵循雷唑沙星的用药说明是确保其有效性的重要因素。)

5. The clinical trials for regonafenib were successful in showing its ability to extend the survival of cancer patients.(雷唑沙星的临床试验成功地展示了其延长癌症患者生存期的能力。)

6. The cost of regonafenib may be covered by insurance depending on the patient's policy.(根据患者的保险政策,可能会覆盖雷唑沙星的费用。)

7. Patients taking regonafenib should be monitored for any signs of liver damage, as the drug can affect liver function.(服用雷唑沙星的患者应该监测肝损伤的任何迹象,因为这种药物可能影响肝功能。)

8. Regonafenib should be taken with food to improve its absorption and reduce gastrointestinal side effects.(应该在进食时服用雷唑沙星,以提高其吸收和减少胃肠道副作用。)

9. Patients taking regonafenib may need to have their blood pressure and heart rate monitored regularly, as the drug can affect cardiovascular function.(服用雷唑沙星的患者可能需要定期监测血压和心率,因为这种药物可能影响心血管功能。)

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