Finger是什么意思 Finger的读音、翻译、用法

Finger是什么意思 Finger的读音、翻译、用法

'Finger' 是英语词语,中文翻译为“手指”,指人的手中的那些小肢体。


1. I accidentally cut my finger while chopping vegetables.(我在切菜的时候不小心把手指割伤了。)

2. She pointed her finger at the map to show me where we were heading.(她用手指指着地图告诉我我们要去哪里。)

3. He has a habit of biting his nails and picking at his fingers when he's nervous.(他紧张的时候有咬指甲和抠手指的习惯。)

4. The doctor told me to keep my injured finger elevated and to avoid using it too much.(医生告诉我要抬高受伤的手指,并且避免过度使用它。)

5. The fingerprint scanner wouldn't recognize my fingers because they were too dry.(指纹识别器无法识别我的手指,因为它们太干燥了。)

6. She added the finishing touch to the painting by adding small details with her fingers.(她用手指添加了一些细节,为这幅画添加了最后的点睛之笔。)

7. He twiddled his fingers nervously while waiting for his turn to speak.(等待到自己发言的时候,他焦虑地玩弄着手指。)

8. The little girl's eyes widened as she counted the fingers on her hand.(小女孩的眼睛变得大了,因为她在数着自己手上的手指。)

9. The cat playfully batted at the string with its paw, its long fingers curling around it.(猫咪戏耍地用爪子拍打着线头,它长长的手指紧紧地缠绕着线头。)

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