1. Tyrannosauroidea在恐龙学中属于一个重要的分类。
(中文翻译:Tyrannosauroidea is an important classification in dinosaur studies.)
2. 这个新发现的恐龙已经被归类为Tyrannosauroidea超科的一部分。
(中文翻译:The newly discovered dinosaur has been classified as part of the Tyrannosauroidea superfamily.)
3. Tyrannosauridae是Tyrannosauroidea超科中最著名的一个家族。
(中文翻译:Tyrannosauridae is the most famous family within the Tyrannosauroidea superfamily.)
4. Tyrannosauroidea恐龙的骨骼化石可以在博物馆里看到。
(中文翻译:Fossils of Tyrannosauroidea dinosaurs can be seen in museums.)
5. 这个科学家正在研究Tyrannosauroidea恐龙的进化历史。
(中文翻译:The scientist is studying the evolutionary history of Tyrannosauroidea dinosaurs.)
6. Tyrannosauroidea恐龙的头骨是它们最著名的特征之一。
(中文翻译:The skull of Tyrannosauroidea dinosaurs is one of their most famous features.)
7. Tyrannosauroidea是恐龙时代最具威慑力的掠食者之一。
(中文翻译:Tyrannosauroidea is one of the most intimidating predators of the dinosaur era.)
8. Tyrannosauroidea的体型强壮、头骨宽大,有助于它们捕猎猎物。
(中文翻译:The robust build and wide skull of Tyrannosauroidea helped them hunt their prey.)
9. Tyrannosauroidea恐龙的化石证据表明它们曾经独霸恐龙王国。
(中文翻译:Fossil evidence of Tyrannosauroidea dinosaurs suggests they once ruled the dinosaur kingdom alone.)