Sauroposeidon是什么意思 Sauroposeidon的读音、翻译、用法

Sauroposeidon是什么意思 Sauroposeidon的读音、翻译、用法




1. Sauroposeidon是蜥脚类恐龙中最高的一种。

Sauroposeidon is the tallest of all sauropods.

2. Sauroposeidon的颈部非常长,大约有17个颈椎。

The neck of Sauroposeidon was extremely long, with around 17 vertebrae.

3. Sauroposeidon是一种植食性的巨兽。

Sauroposeidon was a herbivorous giant.

4. Sauroposeidon在白垩纪早期的美国俄克拉荷马州生活。

Sauroposeidon lived in early Cretaceous Oklahoma, in the United States.

5. Sauroposeidon的化石在xx年被发现。

The fossils of Sauroposeidon were discovered in 1994.

6. Sauroposeidon的颈部比其他蜥脚类恐龙更长。

The neck of Sauroposeidon was longer than other sauropods.

7. Sauroposeidon的足迹可以在俄克拉荷马州的某些地方找到。

Footprints of Sauroposeidon can be found in certain parts of Oklahoma.

8. Sauroposeidon的脖子有可能能够伸展到更高的位置。

The neck of Sauroposeidon may have been capable of reaching even higher positions.

9. Sauroposeidon的名字来源于希腊神话中的波塞冬。

The name Sauroposeidon is derived from the Greek god Poseidon.

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