Plodia interpunctella是一个拉丁化的昆虫学名,属于蛾科,俗称谷蛾。它是由德国昆虫学家Carl Julius Bernhard Bremi-Wolf于xx年首次描述,而在美国被普遍称为Indianmeal moth。这种蛾子是一种食品蛀虫,常见于杂粮、豆类、坚果等储存食品中,它们的幼虫能够穿透包装,污染食品,造成严重的损失。Plodia interpunctella广泛分布于世界各地,是家庭和商业食品存储中常见的害虫之一。
以下是9个含有Plodia interpunctella的例句:
1. Plodia interpunctella is a common pest in stored grain products.(Plodia interpunctella是储存谷物产品中常见的害虫。)
2. The life cycle of Plodia interpunctella involves four stages: egg, larvae, pupa, and adult.(Plodia interpunctella的生命周期包括四个阶段:卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫。)
3. Plodia interpunctella adults are small moth-like insects with a wingspan of about 1.5 cm.(Plodia interpunctella的成虫是一个翅展约1.5厘米的小飞蛾。)
4. The presence of Plodia interpunctella larvae in stored food products indicates poor sanitation and hygiene.(储存食品中发现Plodia interpunctella幼虫表明卫生状况差。)
5. Plodia interpunctella infestation can be controlled by proper sanitation practices and use of insecticides.(通过适当的卫生措施和杀虫剂的使用可以控制Plodia interpunctella的感染。)
6. An effective way to prevent Plodia interpunctella infestation is to store food products in airtight containers.(预防Plodia interpunctella感染的有效方法是将食品储存在密闭容器中。)
7. Plodia interpunctella larvae can survive in low temperatures and can remain dormant for several months.(Plodia interpunctella幼虫能够在低温下存活,并可以保持几个月的休眠状态。)
8. Plodia interpunctella is a major pest in flour mills and granaries.(Plodia interpunctella是面粉厂和粮仓的主要害虫。)
9. The Indianmeal moth (Plodia interpunctella) is a common pest in the United States and other countries.(印度谷蛾(Plodia interpunctella)是美国和其他国家常见的害虫。)