1. Hemileia vastatrix是导致咖啡叶锈病的真菌。
(Hemileia vastatrix is the fungus that causes coffee leaf rust.)
2. 进行定期的除草和灭虫工作可以预防Hemileia的侵害。
(Regular weeding and pest control can prevent Hemileia infestation.)
3. 在茶叶生产中,防治Hemileia的关键是合理使用化学药剂。
(In tea production, the key to controlling Hemileia is the rational use of chemical agents.)
4. 如果发现茶树叶子上出现黄斑和黑斑,很可能是Hemileia的作祟。
(If yellow and black spots are found on tea leaves, it is likely due to Hemileia.)
5. 喷洒含铜的药剂是防治Hemileia的有效方法之一。
(Spraying copper-containing agents is one of the effective methods for controlling Hemileia.)
6. 研究者们正在开发抗Hemileia的新品种咖啡和茶树。
(Researchers are developing new varieties of coffee and tea that are resistant to Hemileia.)
7. 如果不及时防治Hemileia,将导致咖啡产量大幅下降。
(If Hemileia is not controlled in time, coffee production will decrease significantly.)
8. 植物的叶表面上可能存在Hemileia的孢子,这些孢子会导致锈病的传播。
(Spores of Hemileia may exist on the surface of plant leaves, which can cause the spread of rust disease.)
9. 在选择农药防治Hemileia时,应该注意环境保护和人身安全。
(When choosing pesticides to control Hemileia, attention should be paid to environmental protection and personal safety.)