用法:perspicua通常用于形容事物的清晰程度或明显程度。例如,“perspicua visione”表示清晰视野,“perspicua demonstratio”表示明显的论证。
1. Perspicua litterarum forma facit eam faciliorem ad legenda. (拉丁语)清晰的文字形式使它更易于阅读。(中文翻译:The clear form of the letters makes them easier to read.)
2. Artes perspicuae non sunt difficultates ad intelligendum. (拉丁语)明显的艺术不难理解。(中文翻译:Clear arts are not difficult to understand.)
3. Perspicua verba et apta gestus sunt signa verae amicitiae. (拉丁语)清晰的言辞和恰当的姿态是真正友谊的标志。(中文翻译:Clear words and appropriate gestures are signs of true friendship.)
4. Perspicua ratio est fundamentum scientiae. (拉丁语)清晰的逻辑是科学的基础。(中文翻译:Clear logic is the foundation of science.)
5. Perspicua solis luce omnia plenius conspiciuntur. (拉丁语)在清澈的阳光下,一切更清晰地呈现出来。(中文翻译:In the clear light of the sun, everything is more clearly visible.)
6. Perspicua argumentatio probat causam veram. (拉丁语)清晰的论证证明了真正的原因。(中文翻译:Clear arguments prove the true cause.)
7. Lingua perspicua est fundamentum intercommunicationis. (拉丁语)清晰的语言是互通有无的基础。(中文翻译:Clear language is the foundation of communication.)
8. Perspicua consilia possunt esse difficilia ad exequendum. (拉丁语)明显的计划可能很难执行。(中文翻译:Clear plans can be difficult to implement.)
9. Perspicua distinctio est necessaria in interpretatione textus. (拉丁语)在解释文本时,清晰的区分是必要的。(中文翻译:Clear distinctions are necessary in interpreting texts.)