'UN Peacemaker'是英语,可以翻译为“联合国和平使者”。这个词语指的是联合国任命的特使或代表,帮助解决冲突和促进和平的人。这些人通常具有卓越的外交能力和高度的政治智慧,能够在各种复杂的局势下调解矛盾,推动和平进程。
以下是含有“UN Peacemaker”的9个例句:
1. The UN Peacemaker has been working tirelessly to mediate the conflict between the two warring factions.(联合国和平使者一直在不懈努力地调解两大敌对派系之间的冲突。)
2. The UN Peacemaker has successfully brokered a ceasefire agreement between the government and the rebels.(联合国和平使者成功地促成了政府和叛军之间的停火协议。)
3. The UN Peacemaker is widely respected for his impartiality and dedication to the cause of peace.(联合国和平使者因其公正和致力于和平事业而得到广泛尊重。)
4. The UN Peacemaker has called for an urgent meeting with the leaders of both sides to discuss a peaceful resolution to the conflict.(联合国和平使者呼吁两方领导人紧急会晤,讨论冲突的和平解决方案。)
5. The UN Peacemaker has been working behind the scenes to build trust and confidence between the parties involved in the peace process.(联合国和平使者一直在幕后努力,建立参与和平进程的各方之间的信任和信心。)
6. The UN Peacemaker has expressed his deep concern over the deteriorating situation in the conflict zone and urged all parties to exercise restraint.(联合国和平使者对冲突区局势恶化表示深切关注,并敦促各方保持克制。)
7. The UN Peacemaker has proposed a comprehensive peace plan that addresses the root causes of the conflict and provides a roadmap for lasting peace.(联合国和平使者提出了一项全面的和平计划,解决了冲突的根源问题,并提供了实现持久和平的路线图。)
8. The UN Peacemaker has been working closely with regional leaders to garner their support for the peace process.(联合国和平使者一直在与地区领导人密切合作,争取他们对和平进程的支持。)
9. The UN Peacemaker has called on both sides to respect human rights and ensure the safety of civilians caught in the crossfire.(联合国和平使者呼吁双方尊重人权,确保在交火中被困的平民的安全。)