'anti spyware'是英国的词语,中文翻译为“反间谍软件”,指的是一种计算机程序,用于检测和防止恶意软件(如间谍软件)在计算机系统中运行和损害系统。
以下是含有'anti spyware'的9个例句:
1. My computer was infected with spyware, so I had to install an anti spyware program to protect it. (我的电脑感染了间谍软件,所以我必须安装一个反间谍软件来保护它。)
2. This anti spyware software is very effective at detecting and removing malicious programs from your computer. (这个反间谍软件非常有效,可以检测和删除计算机中的恶意程序。)
3. You should regularly update your anti spyware program to ensure that it is up-to-date with the latest threats. (你应该定期更新你的反间谍软件,以确保它能及时应对最新的威胁。)
4. It is recommended that you use multiple anti spyware tools to provide comprehensive protection for your computer. (建议你使用多个反间谍工具,为你的计算机提供全面的保护。)
5. The anti spyware program found and removed several spyware infections on my computer. (这个反间谍软件发现并删除了我电脑上的几个间谍软件感染。)
6. This anti spyware tool has a user-friendly interface and is easy to use. (这个反间谍工具有一个用户友好的界面,并且很容易使用。)
7. Some anti virus software also includes anti spyware capabilities to provide all-around protection. (一些反病毒软件也包含了反间谍功能,以提供全面的保护。)
8. You can run an anti spyware scan on your computer to detect and remove any malicious programs that may be hiding in your system. (你可以运行一个反间谍扫描,检测并删除潜藏在你系统中的任何恶意程序。)
9. It is important to regularly scan your computer with anti spyware software to ensure that your system remains secure and free from threats. (定期使用反间谍软件扫描你的电脑非常重要,以确保你的系统保持安全,没有任何威胁。)