Smiledon是什么意思 Smiledon的读音、翻译、用法

Smiledon是什么意思 Smiledon的读音、翻译、用法



1. Smiledon是一种已经灭绝的大型掠食动物,它有两颗巨大的上犬齿。

(Smiledon is an extinct large predator with two large upper canine teeth.)

2. 你知道吗?在史前时期,剑齿虎(Smiledon)曾是地球上最可怕的掠食者之一。

(Do you know that in prehistoric times, Smiledon was one of the most terrifying predators on Earth?)

3. 剑齿虎的下颚非常强壮,能够轻松咬碎猎物的骨头。

(The lower jaw of Smiledon is very strong and can easily crush the bones of prey.)

4. Smiledon是许多人心目中最受欢迎的史前动物之一。

(Smiledon is one of the most popular prehistoric animals in many people's minds.)

5. 剑齿虎是史前时期最臭名昭著的猛兽之一,因为它是非常可怕的掠食者。

(Smiledon is one of the most notorious predators in prehistoric times because it was a very terrifying predator.)

6. 在史前时期,Smiledon分布在欧洲、北美洲和南美洲。

(In prehistoric times, Smiledon was distributed in Europe, North America, and South America.)

7. 剑齿虎的骨架被发现在许多地方,这表明它们在史前时期很常见。

(Skeletons of Smiledon have been found in many places, indicating that they were common in prehistoric times.)

8. 剑齿虎是非常厉害的掠食者,能够追赶大型动物,如猛犸象和长毛象。

(Smiledon was a very powerful predator that could chase large animals such as mammoths and mastodons.)

9. Smiledon在约1万年前灭绝了,这标志着它们的生命之旅结束了。

(Smiledon became extinct about 10,000 years ago, marking the end of their journey of life.)

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