Babe Ruth是什么意思 Babe Ruth的读音、翻译、用法

Babe Ruth是什么意思 Babe Ruth的读音、翻译、用法

'Babe Ruth'这个词语来源于英语,指的是20世纪xx年代和xx年代的美国职业棒球运动员乔治·赫尔曼·鲁斯(George Herman Ruth,1895-1948),被誉为“棒球之神”,是美国职业棒球历史上最伟大的运动员之一。常见翻译为“贝比·鲁斯”、“鲁斯大王”等。在美国,他的名字几乎已经成为一个传说和文化符号,被广泛使用和引用。

以下是9个含有'Babe Ruth'的例句:

1. Babe Ruth is considered to be one of the greatest baseball players of all time.(贝比·鲁斯被认为是有史以来最伟大的棒球运动员之一。)

2. The Babe Ruth Museum in Baltimore is dedicated to preserving the legacy of the legendary baseball player.(巴尔的摩的贝比·鲁斯博物馆致力于保护这位传奇棒球运动员的遗产。)

3. Babe Ruth played for the New York Yankees for most of his career.(贝比·鲁斯在他的大部分职业生涯中效力于纽约洋基队。)

4. The Babe Ruth League is a youth baseball organization that promotes the values of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play.(贝比·鲁斯联盟是一个旨在推广团队合作、体育精神和公平竞技价值的青年棒球组织。)

5. Babe Ruth once hit 60 home runs in a single season, a record that stood for many years.(贝比·鲁斯曾经在一个赛季中击出60个本垒打,这个记录保持了很多年。)

6. The Babe Ruth Birthplace and Museum is located in Baltimore, Maryland.(贝比·鲁斯的出生地和博物馆位于马里兰州的巴尔的摩。)

7. Many baseball fans believe that nobody will ever be able to match Babe Ruth's accomplishments.(许多棒球迷认为没有人能够与贝比·鲁斯的成就相匹敌。)

8. Babe Ruth was known for his powerful swing and his ability to hit home runs.(贝比·鲁斯以他强大的挥拍和击出本垒打的能力而闻名。)

9. The Babe Ruth Award is given each year to the player who is considered the best postseason performer in Major League Baseball.(贝比·鲁斯奖每年颁发给被认为是美国职业棒球大联盟最佳季后赛表现者的球员。)

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