'Sergey Brin'是英语,是谷歌公司的创始人之一,也是现任首席技术官。在谷歌的创业初期,他曾与另一位创始人拉里·佩奇一起共同开发了谷歌搜索引擎。
1. Sergey Brin was born in Moscow in 1973. (Sergey Brin 于 1973 年出生于莫斯科)
2. Brin and Page met while studying at Stanford University. (Brin 和 Page 在斯坦福大学学习时相识)
3. Brin's net worth is estimated at $60 billion. (Brin 的净值估计为 600 亿美元)
4. Brin is known for his contributions to the development of Google's search algorithm. (Brin 因为对谷歌搜索算法的贡献而闻名)
5. In 2012, Brin became involved in Google Glass, a wearable computer. (2012 年,Brin 参与了可穿戴电脑谷歌眼镜的开发)
6. Brin's philanthropic efforts include funding research into Parkinson's disease. (Brin 的慈善努力包括资助帕金森病的研究)
7. Brin and Page stepped down as CEO and President of Google's parent company Alphabet in 2019. (Brin 和 Page 在 2019 年辞去了作为 Google 母公司 Alphabet 的 CEO 和总裁的职务)
8. Brin is also an advocate for renewable energy and has invested in several green technology companies. (Brin 还支持可再生能源,并投资了多家绿色技术公司)
9. Brin has been married to Nicole Shanahan since 2018 and has two children. (Brin 自 2018 年与 Nicole Shanahan 结婚,育有两个子女)