PPALD是什么意思 PPALD的读音、翻译、用法

PPALD是什么意思 PPALD的读音、翻译、用法


1. A child with PPALD may spend hours lining up toys and become upset if the order is disrupted.(有PPALD的孩子可能会花费数小时排列玩具,如果顺序被打乱就会感到沮丧。)

2. Individuals with PPALD may have difficulty forming relationships due to their restricted interests.(有PPALD的人可能由于兴趣受限而难以建立关系。)

3. Treatment for PPALD often involves behavioral therapy to expand the individual's range of interests.(PPALD的治疗通常涉及行为疗法,以扩展个体的兴趣范围。)

4. PPALD is commonly associated with autism spectrum disorder.(PPALD通常与自闭症谱系障碍相关。)

5. Some researchers believe that PPALD may be related to difficulties in sensory processing.(一些研究人员认为PPALD可能与感觉处理困难有关。)

6. For individuals with PPALD, routines and sameness can provide a sense of comfort and security.(对于有PPALD的个体来说,例行公事和一成不变可以提供舒适和安全感。)

7. It is important for parents and educators to understand the challenges faced by individuals with PPALD.(家长和教育工作者理解有PPALD的个体面临的挑战很重要。)

8. Research on PPALD is ongoing to better understand the causes and potential treatments.(PPALD的研究正在进行中,以更好地了解其原因和潜在的治疗方法。)

9. The high-functioning form of PPALD is sometimes called Asperger's syndrome.(高功能PPALD通常称为阿斯伯格综合症。)

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