Dromaeosaurus是什么意思 Dromaeosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

Dromaeosaurus是什么意思 Dromaeosaurus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Dromaeosaurus 是一种体型较小但极具攻击性的恐龙,曾经生活在北美洲。

(Dromaeosaurus is a small but highly aggressive dinosaur that once lived in North America.)

2. Dromaeosaurus 拥有锋利的牙齿和强壮的后腿,可以在高速奔跑时追捕猎物。

(Dromaeosaurus had sharp teeth and strong hind legs, allowing it to chase prey at high speeds.)

3. Dromaeosaurus 在公元前 70-66 年的白垩纪末期灭绝了。

(Dromaeosaurus went extinct during the late Cretaceous period, around 70-66 million years ago.)

4. Dromaeosaurus 是一种属于恐龙家族的迅猛龙科恐龙。

(Dromaeosaurus is a dromaeosaurid dinosaur belonging to the family of theropod dinosaurs.)

5. Dromaeosaurus 是一种肉食性动物,主要以小型哺乳动物和爬行动物为食。

(Dromaeosaurus was a carnivorous animal that primarily fed on small mammals and reptiles.)

6. Dromaeosaurus 的前肢较短,无法用于捕猎,但可以用来抓住猎物。

(Dromaeosaurus had short forelimbs that were not used for hunting, but could be used to grab prey.)

7. Dromaeosaurus 的化石非常罕见,只有少数标本被发现。

(Dromaeosaurus fossils are very rare, with only a few specimens having been discovered.)

8. Dromaeosaurus 是恐龙学研究中的重要对象,对我们了解恐龙的进化和生态有着重要的意义。

(Dromaeosaurus is an important subject in dinosaur research and has significant implications for our understanding of dinosaur evolution and ecology.)

9. Dromaeosaurus 在电影和电视剧中经常被描绘为凶猛的恐龙形象。

(Dromaeosaurus is often portrayed as a fierce dinosaur in movies and TV shows.)

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