1. Redifusion能够实现音频信号的高清传输。Redifusion provides high-definition transmission of audio signals.
2. 老人们很喜欢用Redifusion听广播。The elderly like to listen to the radio through Redifusion.
3. 在英国,广播的黄金年代是在Redifusion时期。In the UK, the golden age of broadcasting was during the Redifusion era.
4. 这座酒店提供的房间都有Redifusion服务。All the rooms in this hotel are equipped with Redifusion service.
5. 我们可以通过Redifusion接收到全球各地的电台。We can receive radio stations from all over the world through Redifusion.
6. 音质好坏取决于Redifusion的信号接收质量。The sound quality depends on the signal reception quality of Redifusion.
7. 现在我们都使用无线技术,Redifusion已经过时了。Now we all use wireless technology, and Redifusion is outdated.
8. 在上个世纪,许多人家里都安装了Redifusion。In the last century, many people had Redifusion installed in their homes.
9. Redifusion是20世纪初发明的技术。Redifusion is a technology invented in the early 20th century.