infracortical是什么意思 infracortical的读音、翻译、用法

infracortical是什么意思 infracortical的读音、翻译、用法



1. The infracortical regions play a key role in sensory processing.(皮层下的区域在感官处理中起着关键作用。)

2. The amygdala is an important infracortical structure involved in emotion regulation.(杏仁体是参与情绪调节的重要皮层下结构。)

3. Infracortical circuits are responsible for coordinating movement and posture.(皮层下回路负责协调运动和姿势。)

4. Studies have shown that infracortical activity is disrupted in patients with Parkinson's disease.(研究表明,帕金森病患者的皮层下活动受到了破坏。)

5. The thalamus is an important relay station for infracortical sensory pathways.(丘脑是皮层下感觉通路的重要中继站。)

6. Infracortical neurons are highly specialized for processing specific types of information.(皮层下神经元高度专业化,用于处理特定类型的信息。)

7. The basal ganglia are a group of infracortical nuclei involved in motor control.(基底节是参与运动控制的一组皮层下核团。)

8. Infracortical connections between the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia are critical for decision-making.(前额皮层和基底节之间的皮层下连接对于决策起着关键作用。)

9. Dysfunction of infracortical networks has been implicated in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders.(皮层下网络功能障碍与多种神经精神障碍有关。)

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