Hidrogeno metalico是什么意思 Hidrogeno metalico的读音、翻译、用法

Hidrogeno metalico是什么意思 Hidrogeno metalico的读音、翻译、用法

'Hydrogen metal'这个词语来自于英文,可以翻译成“氢金属”。它是一个研究领域,指的是在高压和高温下把氢气压缩成金属的状态,这种状态下的氢气具有类似于金属的导电性和反应性。研究人员认为,氢金属有望成为一种新型的高温超导体。


1. Scientists have successfully created hydrogen metal in the laboratory for the first time. (科学家们首次在实验室中成功地制造出氢金属。)

2. Hydrogen metal could potentially revolutionize energy storage and transportation. (氢金属有可能彻底改变能源的储存和输送方式。)

3. It takes extreme pressure and temperature to produce hydrogen metal. (制备氢金属需要极高的压力和温度。)

4. Researchers are still exploring the properties and potential applications of hydrogen metal. (研究人员仍在探索氢金属的性质和潜在应用。)

5. Some experts believe that hydrogen metal could eventually replace traditional conductive metals like copper and aluminum. (一些专家认为,氢金属最终有可能取代传统的导电金属,如铜和铝。)

6. The discovery of hydrogen metal has sparked a lot of excitement in the scientific community. (氢金属的发现在科学界引起了很大的兴奋。)

7. Hydrogen metal is an incredibly interesting material that could have a wide range of applications. (氢金属是一种非常有趣的材料,可以有广泛的应用。)

8. The properties of hydrogen metal are still not fully understood, but scientists are making progress. (氢金属的性质仍未完全理解,但科学家正在取得进展。)

9. Hydrogen metal could potentially be used in high-speed transportation systems like trains and airplanes. (氢金属有可能被应用于高速交通系统,如列车和飞机。)

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