Mehmed iV是什么意思 Mehmed iV的读音、翻译、用法

Mehmed iV是什么意思 Mehmed iV的读音、翻译、用法

'Mehmed IV'这个词语来源于土耳其语,是指奥斯曼帝国的第四任苏丹穆罕默德四世。

常见翻译:Mehmed IV、Mehmet IV、穆罕默德四世、梅赫梅特四世。


以下是含有'Mehmed IV'的9个例句:

1. Mehmed IV, the Ottoman sultan, ruled from 1648 until his death in 1687. (穆罕默德四世,奥斯曼帝国苏丹,统治了从xx年到他于xx年去世为止。)

2. During the reign of Mehmed IV, the Ottoman Empire went through a period of decline and territorial loss. (在穆罕默德四世的统治期间,奥斯曼帝国经历了一段衰落和领土损失的时期。)

3. Mehmed IV was known for his military campaigns against the Habsburg Empire in Europe. (穆罕默德四世以对欧洲哈布斯堡帝国的军事战役而闻名。)

4. Mehmed IV was succeeded by his brother Suleiman II. (穆罕默德四世被他的兄弟苏莱曼二世继任。)

5. Mehmed IV was only six years old when he became sultan after his father's death. (穆罕默德四世在他父亲去世后才xx岁成为苏丹。)

6. Mehmed IV's reign saw the introduction of the first coffeehouses in Istanbul. (穆罕默德四世的统治期间,伊斯坦布尔引进了第一家咖啡馆。)

7. Mehmed IV was deposed in 1687 by the Janissaries, a powerful military group in the Ottoman Empire. (穆罕默德四世在xx年被奥斯曼帝国强大的军事组织贾尼斯阿里推翻。)

8. Mehmed IV died in Edirne, Turkey, at the age of 46. (穆罕默德四世在土耳其埃迪尔内去世,享年xx岁。)

9. Mehmed IV's reign marked the end of the Ottoman Empire's expansion and the beginning of its decline. (穆罕默德四世的统治标志着奥斯曼帝国扩张的结束和衰落的开始。)

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