biomaterial是什么意思 biomaterial的读音、翻译、用法

biomaterial是什么意思 biomaterial的读音、翻译、用法





1. The company specializes in the development and manufacturing of biomaterials for medical devices.(该公司专注于开发和制造医疗设备的生物材料。)

2. The artificial heart valve is made of biomaterials that are biocompatible with the human body.(人工心脏瓣膜是由与人体生物相容的生物材料制成的。)

3. The biomaterial used in the dental implant has excellent strength and durability.(牙科种植物使用的生物材料具有出色的强度和耐久性。)

4. Researchers are exploring the potential of biomaterials for tissue engineering.(研究人员正在探索利用生物材料进行组织工程的潜力。)

5. The biodegradation rate of the biomaterial should match the rate of tissue regeneration.(生物材料的生物降解速率应与组织再生速度相匹配。)

6. The biomaterials used in the knee replacement surgery have greatly improved the patient's quality of life.(膝关节置换手术中使用的生物材料极大地改善了患者的生活质量。)

7. The biomaterial-based scaffold provides a suitable environment for cell growth and differentiation.(基于生物材料的支架为细胞生长和分化提供了适宜的环境。)

8. The use of biomaterials has revolutionized the field of regenerative medicine.(生物材料的应用已经彻底改变了再生医学领域。)

9. The biomaterial coating on the implant can prevent bacterial infection and promote tissue integration.(植入物上的生物材料涂层可以预防细菌感染并促进组织整合。)

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