He Xiangu是什么意思 He Xiangu的读音、翻译、用法

He Xiangu是什么意思 He Xiangu的读音、翻译、用法

'He Xiangu'是中国的词语,中文翻译为何仙姑。她是中国神话传说中的一位神仙,也是道教中的八仙之一。据传她出生于唐朝,善于诵经念佛,又精通草药,所以被尊为医仙和文仙。她常常被描绘成襟带七星、手执莲花、面色苍白、长发飘逸的美丽女仙。在中国民间信仰中,许多人依然会求助何仙姑神的保佑来获得健康和幸福。

以下是9个含有'He Xiangu'的例句:

1. 何仙姑是中国传统神话中的一位重要人物。

He Xiangu is an important figure in traditional Chinese mythology.

2. 在中国神话传说中,何仙姑被吹捧为文化和医疗的化身。

In Chinese mythology, He Xiangu is praised as the embodiment of culture and medicine.

3. 许多人会去祈求何仙姑保佑他们健康和幸福。

Many people seek the blessing of He Xiangu for their health and happiness.

4. 何仙姑以其美丽和优雅的形象成为了许多文艺作品的灵感来源。

The beautiful and graceful image of He Xiangu inspires many works of literature and art.

5. 何仙姑是道教中最著名的八仙之一。

He Xiangu is one of the most famous Eight Immortals in Taoism.

6. 传说何仙姑的草药治疗能力非常高,许多人到山里寻找她的草药治病。

Legend has it that He Xiangu's herbal remedies are highly effective, and many seek her medicines in the mountains.

7. 何仙姑被视为佛教和道教的关键人物之一,在中国文化中有着广泛的影响力。

He Xiangu is regarded as a key figure in both Buddhism and Taoism, with a wide-ranging influence in Chinese culture.

8. 在中国的许多传统艺术作品中,何仙姑都是人们刻画的主题之一。

He Xiangu is a popular subject in many traditional works of Chinese art.

9. 据传何仙姑是在唐朝时期成为神仙的,她的事迹被收录在许多神话传说中。

According to legend, He Xiangu became an immortal during the Tang dynasty, and her deeds are chronicled in many myths and legends.

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