'high school' 是英语中的词语,它的中文翻译是“高中”。高中是指在初中之后,由xx岁到xx岁的学生就读的学校阶段,是许多国家教育体系中的一部分,为学生提供更深入的教育和准备大学。在美国,高中通常分为四个年级,学生需要修满一定数量的学分才能毕业。以下是9个含有 'high school' 的例句:
1. I met my best friends in high school. (我在高中结识了我的最好朋友。)
2. She is a high school teacher. (她是一名高中教师。)
3. He got accepted into a prestigious high school. (他被一所名校高中录取了。)
4. I remember my high school prom like it was yesterday. (我记得我高中毕业舞会就像昨天一样。)
5. The high school football game is tonight. (今晚是高中足球比赛。)
6. My son is starting high school next year. (我儿子明年要开始上高中了。)
7. She was the valedictorian of her high school class. (她是她高中班级的优等生。)
8. The high school choir is performing at the concert tonight. (今晚高中合唱团将在音乐会上表演。)
9. I had a crush on a boy in high school. (我在高中暗恋一个男孩。)