1. I love my tux keychain. (我喜欢我的tux钥匙扣。)
2. In the Linux community, tux is a beloved mascot. (在Linux社区中,tux是一个备受喜爱的吉祥物。)
3. I want to get a tux tattoo to show my dedication to the open-source movement. (我想纹一个tux纹身来展示我对开源运动的奉献精神。)
4. Tux looks so cute on this Linux t-shirt. (这件Linux T恤上的tux看起来好可爱。)
5. Tux has become a symbol of the open-source software community. (tux已经成为开源软件社区的象征。)
6. I put a tux sticker on my laptop to show my support for Linux. (我在我的笔记本上贴了一个tux贴纸,表示我支持Linux。)
7. Tux plushies are popular among Linux fans. (tux毛绒玩具在Linux粉丝中很受欢迎。)
8. Tux has become an iconic symbol of the Linux operating system. (tux已经成为Linux操作系统的标志性符号。)
9. Some fans even dress up as tux for Linux conferences. (一些粉丝甚至会在Linux会议上打扮成tux的形象。)