1. The website's cache was cleared to improve loading times. (清除了网站的缓存以提高载入时间。)
2. The server's cache stores frequently accessed data. (服务器的缓存存储频繁访问的数据。)
3. The game's cache was deleted to fix a bug. (删除了游戏的缓存以修复一个bug。)
4. The browser's cache can be cleared to free up space on the device. (可以清空浏览器缓存以释放设备空间。)
5. The app's cache can sometimes cause issues with performance. (应用程序的缓存有时会导致性能问题。)
6. The cache on the computer needs to be refreshed after an update. (更新后需要刷新计算机上的缓存。)
7. The cache can be disabled for certain types of files. (可以禁用缓存以供某些类型的文件使用。)
8. The cache can be configured to store data for a specific amount of time. (可以配置缓存以存储特定时间的数据。)
9. The cache is a critical component of many computer systems. (缓存是许多计算机系统的关键组件。)