Oxyura是什么意思 Oxyura的读音、翻译、用法

Oxyura是什么意思 Oxyura的读音、翻译、用法



1. Oxyura australis是一种生活在澳大利亚的珍稀鸭类。

(Oxyura australis is a rare duck species found in Australia.)

2. 这种Oxyura鸭子原产于欧洲和西亚。

(This species of Oxyura duck is native to Europe and Western Asia.)

3. Oxyura leucocephala的头部是白色的,很容易被人们辨认出来。

(The head of Oxyura leucocephala is white, which makes it easy to identify.)

4. 这只Oxyura鸭子是一只雄性的,因为它的头部和喙比雌性要大。

(This Oxyura duck is a male because its head and beak are larger than females.)

5. Oxyura vittata是一种非常少见的鸭类,只有在南美洲才有发现。

(Oxyura vittata is a very rare duck species found only in South America.)

6. 这个国家的水体中有许多不同种类的Oxyura鸭子。

(There are many different species of Oxyura ducks in the water bodies of this country.)

7. Oxyura jamaicensis在美洲很常见,经常被人们捕捉和饲养。

(Oxyura jamaicensis is common in the Americas and is often caught and domestically bred.)

8. 这只Oxyura鸭子的羽毛非常漂亮,很多人喜欢把它作为饲养对象。

(The feathers of this Oxyura duck are very beautiful, and many people like to keep it as a pet.)

9. 这种Oxyura鸭子的习性很特别,它们常常在水面下寻找食物。

(This species of Oxyura duck has unique habits and often searches for food underwater.)

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