'Henry Morgenthau'这个词语源于英语,是一个人名,常被翻译为亨利·摩根索。他是美国前总统小布什的祖父,也是美国著名银行家和外交家。该词语常见于历史和政治类书籍、文章和讨论中。
以下是9个使用'Henry Morgenthau'的例句:
1. Henry Morgenthau was the US ambassador to the Ottoman Empire during World War I.(亨利·摩根索是第一次世界大战期间美国驻奥斯曼帝国的大使。)
2. The Morgenthau Plan was a proposal by US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau to deindustrialize and devalue Germany after World War II.(摩根索计划是美国财政部长亨利·摩根索在二战后提出的一项计划,目的是使德国脱工业化和贬值。)
3. Henry Morgenthau played a key role in the development of the Bretton Woods system, which established a global fixed exchange rate system.(亨利·摩根索在布雷顿森林体系的发展中扮演了重要角色,该体系建立了全球固定汇率体系。)
4. The Morgenthau family has a long history of philanthropy and social activism.(摩根索家族有着悠久的慈善和社会活动历史。)
5. Henry Morgenthau Jr. served as the US Secretary of the Treasury during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt.(亨利·摩根索二世在富兰克林·罗斯福政府期间担任美国财政部长。)
6. Morgenthau's book "The Responsibility of the Successful" explores the role of wealth and power in society.(摩根索的《成功者的责任》探讨了财富和权力在社会中的作用。)
7. Henry Morgenthau III is a documentary filmmaker who has won several awards for his work.(亨利·摩根索三世是一位纪录片制作人,他的作品曾获得多项奖项。)
8. The Morgenthau Papers are a collection of documents and correspondence related to Henry Morgenthau's career.(摩根索文件是与亨利·摩根索的职业生涯相关的文件和通信收集。)
9. Morgenthau's efforts to aid Armenian refugees during World War I are widely recognized as an important humanitarian initiative.(摩根索在一战期间为帮助亚美尼亚难民而做出的努力被广泛认为是一项重要的人道主义举措。)