Nolan Ryan是什么意思 Nolan Ryan的读音、翻译、用法

Nolan Ryan是什么意思 Nolan Ryan的读音、翻译、用法

'Nolan Ryan'这个词语源于英语,是指美国职业棒球选手诺兰·瑞恩。他是大联盟历史上最强的投手之一,曾经7次获得投手三冠王,并保持着大联盟历史上最多的七局无安打比赛的纪录。


1. Nolan Ryan is widely considered one of the greatest pitchers in baseball history.(诺兰·瑞恩被广泛认为是棒球历史上最伟大的投手之一。)

2. The Texas Rangers retired Nolan Ryan's number 34 in 1996.(德克萨斯游骑兵队于xx年退役了诺兰·瑞恩的34号球衣。)

3. In 1999, Nolan Ryan was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.(xx年,诺兰·瑞恩入选棒球名人堂。)

4. Nolan Ryan's fastball was notoriously difficult to hit.(诺兰·瑞恩的快球以难以击中而闻名。)

5. Many young pitchers try to emulate Nolan Ryan's pitching style.(许多年轻的投手试图模仿诺兰·瑞恩的投球风格。)

6. Nolan Ryan's record for strikeouts in a single season still stands today.(诺兰·瑞恩单赛季的三振记录至今仍屹立不倒。)

7. Nolan Ryan played for four different teams during his long career.(诺兰·瑞恩在他漫长的职业生涯中效力于四支不同的球队。)

8. Nolan Ryan's achievements have earned him a place in baseball history.(诺兰·瑞恩的成就为他赢得了在棒球史上的一席之地。)

9. Nolan Ryan's consistent excellence on the mound made him a fan favorite.(诺兰·瑞恩在投手板上的一贯精彩表现使他成为球迷们的宠儿。)

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