suborden Pinnipedia是什么意思 suborden Pinnipedia的读音、翻译、用法

suborden Pinnipedia是什么意思 suborden Pinnipedia的读音、翻译、用法

'suborden Pinnipedia'是英语词汇,其中文翻译为海狮类,是哺乳动物分类学中的一个亚目,包括海豹、海狮和海象等水生哺乳动物。它们具有特殊的鳍状肢体,适应水生生活。

以下是9个含有'suborden Pinnipedia'的例句:

1. Pinnipedia are well adapted to aquatic life, with streamlined bodies and the ability to dive deep.(海狮类生物具有流线型身体和潜水深度的能力,非常适应水生生活。)

2. The walrus is a member of the suborder Pinnipedia.(海象是海狮类亚目的一种。)

3. The Pinnipedia suborder includes sea lions, seals, and walruses.(海狮类亚目包括海狮、海豹和海象。)

4. Pinnipeds, or animals in the suborder Pinnipedia, have been around for millions of years.(Pinipedia亚目中的动物,或者叫海狮类动物,已经存在了数百万年。)

5. Pinnipeds are able to hold their breath for long periods of time while underwater.(海狮类动物能够在水下长时间保持呼吸。)

6. Pinnipeds use their flippers to swim and their hind flippers to maneuver on land.(海狮类动物用它们的鳍来游泳,在陆地上则用后肢来转向。)

7. The suborder Pinnipedia is part of the larger order Carnivora.(海狮类亚目是更大的食肉目中的一部分。)

8. Pinnipeds are found in a variety of habitats, from the Arctic to the tropics.(海狮类动物分布于各种栖息地,从北极到热带地区。)

9. The classification of Pinnipedia has evolved over time as more research has been conducted on these animals.(随着对这些动物的研究越来越多,对海狮类的分类也在不断发展。)

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