1. She spent all night hemming her new dress.(她花费了一个晚上时间在自己的新连衣裙上缝折边。)
2. The tailor was skilled at hemming pants.(裁缝很擅长缝制裤子的折边。)
3. I need to hem this tablecloth before the party.(我需要在宴会之前给这张桌布缝边。)
4. The curtains have a beautiful hem that matches the room's decor.(这些窗帘具有美丽的折边,与房间的装饰相匹配。)
5. The hem on the towels kept unraveling after a few washes.(毛巾的缝边在几次洗涤后开始松散。)
6. She folded the hem of her skirt up to make it shorter.(她将连衣裙的折边往上翻折,使其变得更短。)
7. The hem of the dress was frayed and needed to be repaired.(连衣裙的边缘磨损开线,需要修补。)
8. He accidentally cut the hem of his shirt while using the scissors.(他在用剪刀的时候不小心剪到了衬衫的折边。)
9. The hemline of the dress was too long and needed to be hemmed.(连衣裙的裙摆长度太长,需要修剪。)