familia Gerbillinae是什么意思 familia Gerbillinae的读音、翻译、用法

familia Gerbillinae是什么意思 familia Gerbillinae的读音、翻译、用法

'familia Gerbillinae'不是任何一个国家的语言,它是拉丁文,意为'沙鼠科',是哺乳动物分类中的一种,包括沙鼠、沙鼠鼠等动物。


1. Gerbillinae species are found in arid and sandy regions.(Gerbillinae物种分布在干旱和沙漠地区。)

2. The subfamily Gerbillinae belongs to the family Muridae.(Gerbillinae亚科属于鼠科。)

3. Desert gerbils are among the most well-known Gerbillinae species.(沙漠沙鼠是最著名的Gerbillinae物种之一。)

4. Gerbillinae rodents have a long tail and hind legs adapted for running.(Gerbillinae啮齿动物有长尾巴和适应奔跑的后腿。)

5. Some Gerbillinae species are kept as pets, such as the Mongolian gerbil.(一些Gerbillinae物种被作为宠物养殖,如蒙古沙鼠。)

6. Gerbillinae rodents are known for their ability to dig burrows in the desert.(Gerbillinae啮齿动物以在沙漠中挖洞穴的能力而闻名。)

7. The scientific name of the common gerbil is Gerbillus perpallidus, belonging to the Gerbillinae subfamily.(普通沙鼠的学名为Gerbillus perpallidus,属于Gerbillinae亚科。)

8. Gerbillinae rodents have adapted to living in harsh desert environments with scarce food and water.(Gerbillinae啮齿动物已经适应了生活在缺乏食物和水的恶劣沙漠环境中。)

9. The Gerbillinae subfamily has a wide distribution across Asia and Africa.(Gerbillinae亚科在亚洲和非洲广泛分布。)

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