'Lagopus lagopus'是拉丁语,意为“松鸡”。松鸡是一种北方地区的鸟类,分为山地松鸡和荒原松鸡两种,是适应寒冷环境的特有种类。其特点是羽毛厚实柔软,脚爪有足底趾磨磨具,能在冰雪覆盖的高寒地带生存。
以下是9个含有“Lagopus lagopus”的例句:
1. In Finland, Lagopus lagopus is a popular game bird. (在芬兰,松鸡是一种受欢迎的猎物鸟类。)
2. The Lagopus lagopus is known for its ability to camouflage itself in snow. (松鸡因其在雪中的隐蔽能力而出名。)
3. The Lagopus lagopus can change the color of its feathers to match its surroundings. (松鸡可以改变羽毛颜色来匹配周围环境。)
4. In Norway, hunting Lagopus lagopus is a popular winter activity. (在挪威,猎松鸡是一种受欢迎的冬季活动。)
5. The Lagopus lagopus is a common sight in the Scottish Highlands. (松鸡在苏格兰高地很常见。)
6. The Lagopus lagopus is also known as the willow ptarmigan. (松鸡也被称为柳毛雉。)
7. The Lagopus lagopus has a hearty appetite, eating mainly berries and insects. (松鸡食量很大,主要吃浆果和昆虫。)
8. During the winter months, the Lagopus lagopus grows a layer of fluffy feathers for insulation. (在冬季,松鸡会长出一层毛茸茸的羽毛来保暖。)
9. The Lagopus lagopus is capable of flight, but it prefers to walk or run. (松鸡有飞行能力,但更喜欢步行或奔跑。)