Nodocephalosaurus是什么意思 Nodocephalosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

Nodocephalosaurus是什么意思 Nodocephalosaurus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Nodocephalosaurus属于鲸骨龙科,是一种已灭绝的海洋生物。

(Nodocephalosaurus belongs to the family of cryptoclidid plesiosaurs, an extinct group of marine reptiles.)

2. 学者们认为Nodocephalosaurus可能是肉食性动物,主要以鱼类和无脊椎动物为食。

(Researchers believe that Nodocephalosaurus may have been a carnivore, feeding mostly on fish and invertebrates.)

3. 这个化石标本是第一个发现的Nodocephalosaurus,被命名为"Elmer"。

(The fossil specimen is the first discovered Nodocephalosaurus, named "Elmer".)

4. Nodocephalosaurus的颈部非常长,有长达30个椎骨。

(Nodocephalosaurus had a remarkably long neck, consisting of up to 30 vertebrae.)

5. Nodocephalosaurus的牙齿非常尖锐,适合抓住滑溜的猎物。

(The teeth of Nodocephalosaurus were sharp and pointed, adapted for catching slippery prey.)

6. Nodocephalosaurus的头骨上有很多突起和凸起,可能是为了增加水动力学效率。

(Nodocephalosaurus had many bumps and protrusions on its skull, possibly to increase hydrodynamic efficiency.)

7. Nodocephalosaurus的化石普遍分布于英格兰南部和墨西哥东部。

(Fossils of Nodocephalosaurus are commonly found in southern England and eastern Mexico.)

8. 学者们根据Nodocephalosaurus的颈椎数目,研究了它的游泳方式。

(Researchers have studied the swimming style of Nodocephalosaurus based on the number of its neck vertebrae.)

9. Nodocephalosaurus的颈骨相互重叠,形成了一种骨架支撑的脖颈结构。

(The overlapping neck vertebrae of Nodocephalosaurus formed a skeletal support structure for its long neck.)

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