distributismo是什么意思 distributismo的读音、翻译、用法

distributismo是什么意思 distributismo的读音、翻译、用法


1. Distributismo is an economic theory that emphasizes the importance of widespread property ownership.(Distributismo是一种经济理论,强调广泛的财产所有权的重要性。)

2. Proponents of distributism believe that it provides a more equitable and sustainable system than capitalism.(分配主义的支持者认为它比资本主义提供了一个更公平和可持续的系统。)

3. The distributist model has been successfully implemented in some small communities.(分配主义模式已经成功地在一些小社区中实施。)

4. Distributism rejects the concentration of wealth and property in the hands of a few.(分配主义拒绝财富和财产集中在少数人手中。)

5. Distributism draws inspiration from Catholic social teaching.(分配主义从天主教的社会教义中吸取灵感。)

6. The distributist movement was most active in the early 20th century.(分配主义运动在20世纪初期最为活跃。)

7. Distributism has been criticized for being too idealistic and impractical.(分配主义因为过于理想化和不切实际而受到批评。)

8. Some distributists advocate for worker-owned cooperatives as an alternative to traditional corporations.(一些分配主义者主张工人合作社作为传统公司的替代方案。)

9. The distributist approach seeks to create a more democratic and participatory economy.(分配主义的方法旨在创建一个更加民主和参与的经济体系。)

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