Civilization是什么意思 Civilization的读音、翻译、用法

Civilization是什么意思 Civilization的读音、翻译、用法




1. The ancient civilization of Greece has had a profound influence on modern Western culture.(希腊古代文明对现代西方文化产生了深远的影响。)

2. The Indus Valley Civilization is one of the oldest known urban civilizations in the world.(印度河谷文明是已知最古老的城市文明之一。)

3. The Maya civilization flourished in Central America for over 2,000 years before it declined in the 16th century.(玛雅文明在中美洲繁荣了2000多年,在16世纪衰落。)

4. The ancient Egyptian civilization was characterized by monumental architecture, hieroglyphic writing, and a complex religious system.(古埃及文明以宏伟的建筑、象形文字和复杂的宗教系统为特点。)

5. The Harappan civilization of ancient India had a sophisticated urban planning system and advanced knowledge of metallurgy.(古印度哈拉帕文明具有精密的城市规划系统和先进的冶金知识。)

6. The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican civilization that dominated the central area of Mexico in the 15th and early 16th centuries.(阿兹特克人是15和16世纪在墨西哥中部地区统治的中美洲文明。)

7. The Sumerians were the earliest known civilization in Mesopotamia, and they developed the world's first system of writing.(苏美尔人是迄今为止在美索不达米亚地区已知的最早文明,他们发明了世界上第一个写作系统。)

8. The Tang dynasty was a golden age of Chinese civilization, marked by significant achievements in art, literature, and science.(唐朝是中国文明的黄金时代,其艺术、文学和科学方面取得了重大成就。)

9. The Roman civilization was one of the most influential in world history, leaving behind a legacy of law, engineering, architecture, and language.(罗马文明是世界历史上最有影响力的文明之一,留下了法律、工程、建筑和语言方面的遗产。)

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