1. This golf course is planted with poa grass, which is perfect for the humid climate here.(这个高尔夫球场上种植了poa草,它非常适合这里的湿润气候。)
2. The soccer field was recently renovated with poa grass, and the players love how soft it feels under their feet.(足球场最近用poa草重新装修,球员们都喜欢它柔软的触感。)
3. Our backyard is covered in poa grass, which makes it the envy of the neighborhood.(我们后院种满了poa草,让它成为了整个社区羡慕的对象。)
4. Poa grass is not only beautiful, but it also requires less water than other grass types.(Poa草不仅美观,而且比其他草种需要更少的水。)
5. The poa grass in this park is so lush and green, it's hard to believe it's not fake.(这个公园里的poa草是如此茂盛和翠绿,真不敢相信它是真的。)
6. The landscaper recommended poa grass for its durability and low maintenance needs.(园林师建议使用poa草因为它耐用并且需要低维护费用。)
7. Many professional sports teams choose poa grass for their playing fields because of its excellent traction and shock absorption.(许多职业体育团队选择使用poa草来铺设运动场地,因为它具有出色的抓地力和缓冲力。)
8. I planted poa grass in my backyard last year, and it's already spreading to the neighbors' yards because they love it so much.(去年我在后院种下了poa草,现在它已经开始向邻居的院子扩散了,因为他们也很喜欢它。)
9. Poa grass is known for its ability to withstand heavy traffic and intense sunlight, making it a popular choice for public parks and playgrounds.(Poa草以其能够承受重负量和强烈阳光的能力而闻名,因此在公园和游乐场中十分受欢迎。)