1. The common heather belongs to the Ericaceae family.(常见的石南属于杜鹃花科。)
2. The blueberry is a member of the Ericaceae family.(蓝莓是杜鹃花科的一种。)
3. The rhododendrons are flowering plants in the Ericaceae family.(杜鹃花是杜鹃花科中的开花植物。)
4. The cranberry is a type of fruit that belongs to the Ericaceae family.(小红莓是一种属于杜鹃花科的水果。)
5. Kalmia latifolia is a species of flowering plant in the Ericaceae family.(宽叶山莓属于杜鹃花科。)
6. The wintergreen is a plant in the Ericaceae family that is used for flavoring.(冬青是杜鹃花科的植物,可以用于调味。)
7. The huckleberry is a fruit that belongs to the Ericaceae family.(越橘是属于杜鹃花科的果实。)
8. Erica arborea is a species of plant in the Ericaceae family that is found in Mediterranean regions.(云杉杜鹃是一种在地中海地区发现的杜鹃花科植物。)
9. The Andromeda polifolia is a species of flowering plant in the Ericaceae family.(白毛杜鹃是杜鹃花科中的开花植物。)