Tectona grandis是什么意思 Tectona grandis的读音、翻译、用法

Tectona grandis是什么意思 Tectona grandis的读音、翻译、用法

'Tectona grandis'这个词语来源于拉丁语,表示大青檀。它是一种高大的热带树种,是一种优质的木材资源。'Tectona grandis'通常被翻译为柚木或是印度青檀。在建筑和家具制作等领域被广泛使用。

以下是9个曾经出现过'Tectona grandis'的例句:

1. Teak is normally used for shipbuilding. (柚木通常用于造船。)

2. The furniture is made of high-quality teak. (家具是由高质量的柚木制成的。)

3. The teak forests are disappearing due to deforestation. (由于森林砍伐,柚木林正在消失。)

4. The teak tree has a long lifespan of up to 100 years. (柚木树的寿命可长达xx年。)

5. The teak wood has a unique grain pattern. (柚木有着独特的木纹图案。)

6. The teak industry contributes greatly to the economy of Indonesia. (柚木行业为印度尼西亚的经济作出了巨大贡献。)

7. The color of the teak wood ranges from golden brown to dark brown. (柚木的颜色从金棕色到深棕色不等。)

8. Teak is highly valued for its durability and resistance to decay. (柚木因其耐久性和抗腐性而备受推崇。)

9. The teak plantation has greatly improved the ecological environment of the region. (柚木种植园大大改善了该地区的生态环境。)

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