1. Belone是一种常用于手术的医疗器械。(中文翻译:Belone is a medical instrument commonly used in surgeries.)
2. 医生使用Belone来缝合伤口。(中文翻译:Doctors use Belone to stitch wounds.)
3. 兽医需要使用Belone为动物缝合伤口。(中文翻译:Veterinarians need to use Belone to stitch wounds for animals.)
4. Belone必须在无菌条件下使用。(中文翻译:Belone must be used under sterile conditions.)
5. 护士需要保证Belone在使用前已经消毒。(中文翻译:Nurses need to ensure that Belone has been sterilized before use.)
6. Belone的尖端非常锋利。(中文翻译:The tip of Belone is very sharp.)
7. 医生需要灵活使用Belone在狭小的空间内操作。(中文翻译:Doctors need to use Belone flexibly to operate in small spaces.)
8. Belone需要经过定期维护以确保其品质。(中文翻译:Belone needs regular maintenance to ensure its quality.)
9. Belone可以用来在实验室中进行细胞操作。(中文翻译:Belone can be used for cell manipulation in the laboratory.)