Tethering是什么意思 Tethering的读音、翻译、用法

Tethering是什么意思 Tethering的读音、翻译、用法





1. I tethered my phone to my laptop so I could use the internet on the go.(我将手机和笔记本电脑连接,可以在外出时使用互联网。)

2. Tethering can be a great way to save money on data plans.(将手机共享网络连接是节省数据流量计划的好方法。)

3. When I go camping, I always tether my phone to my tablet so I can watch movies.(去野营时,我总是将手机和平板电脑连接,可以看电影。)

4. Some phone carriers charge extra for tethering, so be sure to check your plan.(一些手机运营商为使用共享网络连接收取额外费用,请确认你的计划。)

5. Tethering can drain your phone's battery quickly, so be sure to bring a charger.(共享网络连接会快速耗尽手机电池,所以一定要带充电器。)

6. My friend taught me how to tether my phone to my laptop and it's been a lifesaver.(我的朋友教我如何将手机和笔记本电脑连接,真是救命稻草。)

7. Tethering allows me to work remotely and stay connected with my team.(共享网络连接使我能够远程工作并与我的团队保持联系。)

8. If you're having trouble tethering your phone, try restarting both devices.(如果你无法共享网络连接,请尝试重新启动两个设备。)

9. Tethering isn't always fast, but it's better than having no internet at all.(共享网络连接并不总是快速的,但它总比没有互联网好。)

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