'Wellington Koo'是英语词语,可以翻译为“顾维钧”,是中国著名的外交家,曾任中国驻英国、法国、美国等多个国家的大使,也是中国代表团首席代表之一。
1. Wellington Koo was the Chinese ambassador to France from 1921 to 1926.(顾维钧曾于xx年至xx年间担任中国驻法国大使。)
2. Wellington Koo was one of the architects of China's participation in the founding of the United Nations.(顾维钧是中国参加联合国成立的建筑师之一。)
3. Wellington Koo played a key role in negotiating the return of the former German concessions in China.(顾维钧在谈判中国收回德国租界中扮演了关键角色。)
4. The Wellington Koo Memorial Award is given annually to a person who has made outstanding contributions to China-U.S. relations.(每年都会授予维钧奖,以表彰在中美关系方面做出杰出贡献的人。)
5. Wellington Koo was one of the Chinese representatives to the League of Nations.(顾维钧是中国代表团的代表之一。)
6. Wellington Koo was instrumental in securing the return of Taiwan to Chinese control after World War II.(二战后,顾维钧在确保台湾归还中国控制方面发挥了重要作用。)
7. Wellington Koo was a strong advocate for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.(顾维钧是中国主权和领土完整的坚定支持者。)
8. Wellington Koo was known for his eloquence and diplomatic skills.(顾维钧以其雄辩和外交技巧而闻名。)
9. Wellington Koo was the first Chinese delegate to address the League of Nations.(顾维钧是第一位在国际联盟上发表讲话的中国代表。)