Paralititan是什么意思 Paralititan的读音、翻译、用法

Paralititan是什么意思 Paralititan的读音、翻译、用法



1. Paralititan是一种巨型恐龙,它的化石在埃及被发现了。

Paralititan is a giant dinosaur whose fossils have been found in Egypt.

2. Paralititan曾经是白垩纪海岸线的主要居民。

Paralititan was once a major inhabitant of the Cretaceous coastline.

3. 研究人员正在研究Paralititan的行为和生活习惯。

Researchers are studying the behavior and lifestyle of Paralititan.

4. Paralititan是一种被发现的最大的恐龙之一。

Paralititan is one of the largest dinosaurs ever discovered.

5. 由于Paralititan的身体巨大,它可能需要吃大量的植物来维持生命。

Due to its massive size, Paralititan likely needed to eat a lot of plants to sustain itself.

6. Paralititan的化石显示,它具有非常强壮的颈部和前腿。

The fossils of Paralititan show that it had very strong necks and forelimbs.

7. Paralititan的发现改变了我们对白垩纪地理和生态的理解。

The discovery of Paralititan has changed our understanding of the geography and ecology of the Cretaceous.

8. 虽然Paralititan是一种巨型恐龙,但它可能被其他恐龙和掠食者猎杀。

Despite being a giant dinosaur, Paralititan may have been preyed upon by other dinosaurs and predators.

9. 研究人员使用最先进的技术来研究Paralititan的骨骼和外貌。

Researchers use the latest technology to study the bones and appearance of Paralititan.

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