1. 'sub-judice'是英国的词语,意为“正在审判中”。
2. 该词语通常用于法律文书或官方声明中,表示某个案件或争议正在法院审理中,未作出最终判决。在此期间,相关信息往往受到法律限制,不能随意公开或讨论。这种限制被称为“sub judice rule”。
3. 以下是9个含有“sub-judice”的例句:
- The case is currently sub-judice and we cannot comment on it at this time. (该案件目前正在审理中,我们不能在此时发表评论。)
- Any discussion of the allegations against the defendant is sub-judice and could prejudice the outcome of the trial. (对被告的指控进行任何讨论都会违反sub judice规则,并可能影响审判的结果。)
- The sub-judice rule applies to all parties involved in the case, including journalists and members of the public. (sub judice规则适用于所有参与该案件的各方,包括记者和公众成员。)
- The judge issued a warning to the jury not to research the case online or discuss it with anyone, due to the sub-judice rule. (由于sub judice规则,法官向陪审团发出了警告,不要在网上调查该案件或与任何人讨论。)
- The company is unable to issue a statement at this time, as the matter is sub-judice. (由于该事项正在审理中,该公司无法在此时发表声明。)
- The sub-judice rule is designed to protect the integrity of the legal process and prevent undue influence on the outcome of a trial. (sub judice规则旨在保护法律程序的完整性,并防止对审判结果产生不当影响。)
- The defense lawyer argued that the media coverage of the case was in breach of the sub-judice rule and could prejudice the jury. (辩护律师认为,媒体对该案件的报道违反了sub judice规则,并可能影响陪审团。)
- The judge lifted the sub-judice restrictions on the case after the verdict was delivered. (判决作出后,法官解除了该案件的sub judice限制。)
- It is important for all parties involved to respect the sub-judice rule and avoid any actions that could undermine the fairness of the trial. (所有参与该案件的各方都应尊重sub judice规则,并避免任何可能损害审判公正性的行为。)