Laspeyresia molesta是什么意思 Laspeyresia molesta的读音、翻译、用法

Laspeyresia molesta是什么意思 Laspeyresia molesta的读音、翻译、用法

Laspeyresia molesta是英语单词,中文翻译为苹果小食心虫,是一种害虫,它会在苹果上作出小洞并在果肉中产卵,导致苹果腐烂。

以下是9个含有Laspeyresia molesta的例句:

1. Laspeyresia molesta often causes significant damage to apple crops.(苹果小食心虫常常对苹果产生重大的损害。)

2. The larvae of Laspeyresia molesta burrow into the fruit and feed on the flesh, causing it to rot.(苹果小食心虫的幼虫会在果实中挖洞并吃掉果肉,导致果实腐烂。)

3. Farmers in the region have been struggling to control the spread of Laspeyresia molesta.(该地区的农民一直在努力控制苹果小食心虫的蔓延。)

4. The incidence of Laspeyresia molesta is higher in apple orchards than in other fruit crops.(苹果小食心虫在苹果园中的发生率比其他果树更高。)

5. Laspeyresia molesta is often controlled using pesticides, but this can have negative environmental consequences.(苹果小食心虫通常是使用农药来控制,但这可能会产生负面环境影响。)

6. Apple growers need to be vigilant about monitoring and controlling Laspeyresia molesta infestations.(苹果种植者需要密切关注监测和控制苹果小食心虫的侵袭。)

7. Laspeyresia molesta is a serious threat to apple exports, as it can cause fruit to be rejected due to damage.(苹果小食心虫对苹果出口构成严重威胁,因为它会导致果实因受损而被拒绝。)

8. Breeding programs have been developed to create apple varieties that are more resistant to Laspeyresia molesta.(培育计划已经开发出更抗苹果小食心虫的苹果品种。)

9. There is still much research to be done to better understand the biology and ecology of Laspeyresia molesta.(还有很多研究需要做,以更好地了解苹果小食心虫的生物学和生态学。)

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