1. Trichechus inunguis是亚马逊河流域的海牛,又称“亚马逊海牛”。
(Trichechus inunguis is the manatee of the Amazon River Basin, also known as the "Amazonian manatee".)
2. Trichechus manatus是西印度群岛和美洲东海岸沿线的海牛,又称“西印度海牛”。
(Trichechus manatus is the manatee of the West Indies and the Atlantic coast of the Americas, also known as the "West Indian manatee".)
3. Trichechus senegalensis是非洲西部和中央部分的海牛,又称“非洲海牛”。
(Trichechus senegalensis is the manatee of western and central Africa, also known as the "African manatee".)
4. Trichechus bernhardi是巴哈马群岛附近的一种海牛,又称“巴哈马海牛”。
(Trichechus bernhardi is a manatee found near the Bahamas, also known as the "Bahamian manatee".)
5. 原生于古巴的Trichechus manatus manatus是一种受到严重威胁的濒危物种。
(The Trichechus manatus manatus, native to Cuba, is a critically endangered species.)
6. 海牛属(Trichechus)的物种在全球范围内受到了重大的威胁,其中包括人类的开发活动和环境污染。
(Species of the Trichechus genus are globally threatened, including human development activities and environmental pollution.)
7. 海牛(Trichechus)是一种有趣的海洋哺乳动物,受到了许多动物保护组织的关注。
(Manatees (Trichechus) are interesting marine mammals that have attracted a lot of attention from animal protection organizations.)
8. Trichechus manatus发出的声音类似于海豚,但频率更低,通常用于社交和导航。
(The vocalizations of Trichechus manatus are similar to those of dolphins but at lower frequencies and are typically used for socializing and navigation.)
9. Trichechus inunguis是南美洲最大的淡水哺乳动物,其数量正在迅速下降。
(Trichechus inunguis is the largest freshwater mammal in South America, and its population is rapidly declining.)