stick是什么意思 stick的读音、翻译、用法

stick是什么意思 stick的读音、翻译、用法




1. I picked up a stick and started to play with the dog. 我拿起一根棍子跟狗玩耍。

2. Yesterday, I broke my stick while playing hockey. 昨天我在打曲棍球时把我的球棍打坏了。

3. We need to stick the pieces of paper to the wall. 我们需要把纸片贴到墙上。

4. He stuck his hand into the box and pulled out a surprise. 他把手放进盒子里,拿出了一个惊喜。

5. The notes on the fridge are stuck with magnets. 冰箱上的便签被磁铁牢牢吸住了。

6. She stuck to her principles and refused to compromise. 她坚持自己的原则并拒绝妥协。

7. The mud made the wheels stick, and the car couldn't move. 泥巴让轮子粘住了,车子不能行驶。

8. I can't wait to try the new lipstick that just came out. 我迫不及待想试试新出的口红。

9. He used a stick to stir the soup and make it smooth. 他用一根棍子搅拌汤,使其变得顺滑。

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