1. Bootes is visible in the spring and summer months in the Northern Hemisphere.(牧夫座在北半球的春季和夏季可见。)
2. The constellation Bootes contains many double stars that can be easily observed with a telescope.(牧夫座包含许多双星,可以用望远镜很容易观察到。)
3. The brightest star in Bootes is Arcturus.(牧夫座中最亮的星是阿尔卡伮星。)
4. Bootes is often depicted as a farmer or a herdsman holding a staff.(牧夫座常被描绘成一个拿着手杖的农民或牧人。)
5. The ancient Greeks associated Bootes with a mythological figure named Icarius, who was killed after teaching humans how to make wine.(古希腊人将牧夫座与一个名叫伊卡里斯的神话人物联系在一起,他在教人类如何酿酒后被杀害。)
6. Bootes is one of the 48 constellations included in the Almagest, a comprehensive star catalog compiled by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.(牧夫座是《星表大全》中包括的48个星座之一,这是希腊天文学家托勒密在2世纪编写的一份综合星表。)
7. Bootes is best viewed in dark skies away from city lights.(牧夫座最好在远离城市灯光的黑暗天空中观看。)
8. The star Arcturus in Bootes is used as a reference point for astronomers measuring the distances to other stars.(牧夫座中的阿尔卡伮星被天文学家用作测量其他星星距离的参考点。)
9. Bootes is one of the oldest known constellations, dating back to ancient times when people used the stars for navigation and timekeeping.(牧夫座是已知历史最为悠久的星座之一,可以追溯到古代人类用星星进行导航和时间计算的时期。)