Satori是什么意思 Satori的读音、翻译、用法

Satori是什么意思 Satori的读音、翻译、用法




1. 禅宗信徒追求的最高目标是顿悟(Satori)。

Zen Buddhist practitioners pursue the highest goal of achieving satori.

2. 静坐冥想是实现Satori的一种有效方法。

Meditation is an effective way to achieve satori.

3. 只有当你从表象现象中解脱时,你才能获得Satori。

Only when you break free from superficial phenomena can you achieve satori.

4. 在过去的几个月里,他一直在寻找Satori的体验。

He has been seeking the experience of satori for the past few months.

5. 禅师教导他的学生如何寻求Satori。

The Zen master teaches his students how to seek satori.

6. 道家信仰也在追求Satori,即“大道至简”的境界。

Taoist belief also pursues satori, the state of "the way is the simplest".

7. Satori的体验不仅限于宗教信仰,在日常生活中也可能发生。

The experience of satori is not limited to religious beliefs and can happen in everyday life.

8. 在日本的禅宗寺庙中,Satori通常被认为是灵性觉醒的标志。

In Japanese Zen temples, satori is often seen as a sign of spiritual awakening.

9. 阿特曼认为他的绘画尝试可以引导人们通向Satori的境地。

Atman believes that his painting attempts can guide people to the state of satori.

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